The Dixon Foundation is delighted to be supporting little sloth with a grant to build and launch the first full version of the little sloth childrenswear platform, which aims to reduce landfill waste by helping parents and carers to access sustainable, affordable and high quality preloved clothing to rent. 

This grant will allow little sloth to build its rental platform in beta-testing mode, and prove that there is appetite for a childrenswear subscription service that makes a positive impact on the world. It will also help to build demand for independent, sustainable brands that are working to make the fashion industry more transparent and ethical – allowing them to further grow their sustainable businesses and continue the virtuous cycle.

About little sloth

little sloth is a childrenswear subscription service featuring UK based independent sustainable brands and preloved clothing to rent. 

It exists to give busy parents and carers an easy way to shop smarter for their little ones. It gives shoppers what they want – quick and easy access to genuinely good childrenswear, sustainable brands what they need – a bigger audience; and the planet what it needs – environmentally friendly manufacturing and a more circular economy.